360 Degree water simulation rendered in Blender 3D Cycles with Water Uber Shader

Here is a 360 degree re-render of the previous water simulation, but this time I decided to give the Water Uber Shader(WUS) a try and it certainly seems to do a better job than the glass shader. When it comes to doing an animation, the WUS does have one big disadvantage, which is that it takes quite a bit longer to render. When I have been looking at various Blender tutorials, I have noticed that there are some people who like using the compositor to add what they think are some cool effects to their renders. I have noticed that some of them like to use the glow and glare nodes, but because I have a cataract in one of my eyes, you can understand that I am not too excited when these nodes are used. Because of these previous tutorials, I used to never see a reason to use the compositor, until I was faced with the problem of how to reduce the render times of my scenes. I looked up some noise reduction tutorials and ended up combining some of the techniques together. This WUS render was going to take more than 5 minutes per frame at 100 samples, so I decided to see what magic the compositor could do, if the frames were instead rendered at 16 samples and it seems to have done a good job. I have used a reflective background because this seems to make the scene render a lot faster, but I suppose I might be able to render a scene with a diffuse background, if someone has a spare render farm lying around. Here is a link to the Water Uber Shader: