Windows Server 2022 Linode Virtual Machine Install With Proper Volume Resize

00:02:00 Creating the drive for the VM.
00:02:25 Booting the Qemu VM.
00:07:20 Adding the Administrator password.
00:09:15 Adding the network drivers.
00:11:50 Compressing the image with xz.
00:16:10 Chosing the Linode VM.
00:18:05 Adding a storage volume.
00:19:20 Booting into the rescue shell.
00:25:30 Decompressing the image onto the Linode VMs boot drive.
00:30:10 Changing the disk profile for the Linode boot drive.
00:35:10 Connecting with the Remote Desktop.
00:38:00 Boot volume can't be resized easily from inside Windows.
00:40:00 Time to boot into rescue mode to perform the resize magic.
00:47:10 Back into Windows to complete the resize of the boot volume.

In this video I am installing Windows Server 2022 with a Qemu virtual machine, so that I can then transfer it to a Linode VM. I decided to show how to compress the resulting image with XZ, because I noticed that other YouTube videos were using gzip, which is a program that has a lower compression ratio and XZ is also multi threaded, so it can compress quite quickly if you have a multi core processor. Once the Server 2022 was booted on the Linode, I then showed the proper and easier way of resizing the boot drive to fill up all of the VMs drive space.

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 16384 -M q35 -smp cores=2,threads=2,sockets=1 -enable-kvm -cpu host -net nic,model=virtio-net-pci -net bridge,br=br0 -readconfig /etc/ich9-ehci-uhci.config -device usb-tablet,bus=ehci.0,port=2 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd -drive if=none,id=hd,file=server-2022_virtio-scsi.image,format=raw -drive file=server-2022_20348.169.210806-2348.fe_release_svc_refresh_SERVER_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us.iso,media=cdrom,index=2 -drive file=virtio-win.iso,media=cdrom,index=3

dd if=/dev/zero of=server-2022_virtio-scsi.image bs=1G count=19 status=progress

xz -T 12 -v8 server-2022_virtio-scsi.image

xzcat -T 0 server-2022_virtio-scsi.image.xz | dd of=/dev/sda bs=1M status=progress

apt update
apt install tigervnc-standalone-server tigervnc-tools gparted xterm
vncserver -geometry 1280x1024 -localhost no
vncviewer -PreferredEncoding Tight -QualityLevel 6 -FullColour=0 -AutoSelect=0 ???.???.???.???:1